Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Phone Call

Whenever I get a phone call early in the morning (or at least early for everyone I know)or late at night I get nervous upon answering it. I always worry that something has happened to someone! Anyway my phone rang this morning at 7:35AM and it was my sister. Her cheerful voice said, "Good Morning! I just called to tell you that I hope you have a really great day!" I have to say I was a little shocked, not because she doesn't call, but because it meant so much to me today. It wasn't a bad day or anything, but that call carried me through the whole day hoping I could make it a great day because it had such a wonderful start. So thank you, Katie, for making my day a little better because you decided to call me this morning. Never under estimate the power a little kindness and thoughtfulness can have in someone Else's day or life. I am blessed with a fantastic sister and I was reminded of that today when she called just to say,"Good Morning..."

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