Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Fit

Apparently I am going to start all of my posts with "the." Maybe that will be my "May" thing. I don't know. What I do know is that Rebecca lost her mind tonight. I am not even sure what happened but she started crying and then determined that she would, "cry forever." At first I thought this wasn't possible, but after a good 15 minutes she was still going. It was starting to feel like forever! So I went in her room and gave her an offer. She could, A. Stop crying and have Reagan come back into the room and go to sleep or B. I could send Reagan somewhere else and I would close the door and let her scream. Can you believe she chose option B? I was just looking at her like,, that offer is off the table. I didn't want her to sit up in her room and scream. So I laid down with her and we talked about a few things and decided that she could in fact stop crying tonight, but start up first thing in the morning. She seemed to think that was an acceptable solution but was worried she would have no tears in the morning. We decided that she would just be done if she couldn't get herself to cry. Then I told her that if she wanted she could roll over and scream into her pillow. I did give her the knowledge that it would, in fact, hurt her throat, but she could do it. To this suggestion she replies...I have lost all of my power to do that! I wish I still had the power, but it is gone and now I am sleepy. Well OK then my little super hero, apparently her Kryptonite is kindness and the ability to let loose. Hopefully I'll remember that next time. For tonight, at least, I have a new tool in my belt to help raise my children. However, I do realize that it will be like putting a square block in a round hole the next time someone throws a never works twice.

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