However every year I find myself "goal setting." This year is no different. Some things on my list are universal wishes like 1. lose weight 2. Get organized but this year I have added a few that I hope to keep:
3. Read every book of my Bible by the end of the year
4. Blog something everyday even if it's only a picture
5. Go back through my photography class binder and really learn the information
6. Try something new at least once a month
7. Take time to do the things I enjoy
8. Really live and be present in each moment
I will need to write these down and put them some place where I can see them so I can update you as often as needed. Clearly number 4 will be obvious. I also wanted to say that if you like what you read please leave a comment. I apparently need the validation that you all are actually reading this and it's more than therapy for me. A comment is like getting an unexpected letter in the mailbox. I should add that to the list. Yes #9 send random cards and letters for no apparent reason!!
We have been so busy lately replacing items in our life, adding items to our life and really just trying to survive on 3 hours of sleep. I have a new appreciation for Ron and those who work retail in general. If you can work retail and still be in the Christmas mood you must be a saint. By the third week of Christmas my internal advent calendar was counting down until this madness was over!! I do hope that next year I get the opportunity to savor the season and each wonderful thing about it. Our family will have one less person working retail I am sure. Hopefully it's me because we will be in big trouble if it's not!!
In case you are wondering items we've replaced:1. The Van...the transmission blew and frankly it wasn't worth the money to fix it so I got a new car. Being crazy as I am I cried my eyes out cleaning it out and watching it get towed down the street. Then I took a drive in my new Toyota Camry SE. I began to appreciate the little things like a horn that could actually let someone know that I was present and not to T-bone my car, or the fact that when it's bitter cold I don't have to wait for the car to decide if it wanted to unlock or not. The mere fact that it has a moon roof is enough for me to feel like I have reclaimed a bit of the youth I lost driving the Teal Mini-van all of these years. Ah yes, tears were shed, but I got over it. All I have to do now is recognize the darn thing so I don't have to keep unlocking the doors and looking for the lights to flash!
Items we've added:
1. A Dog. I know. However, we gave the kids a crazy list of requirements for a dog to darken our door step and they researched for over a year until they found it. A dog that does not shed, is hypoallergenic, needs little to no exercise, can handle enormous amounts of affection, is small and does not smell. We also said no pooping but you have to give a little sometimes. I have to say that although I don't LOVE the dog yet I am in deep like. He's very cool, quiet and all in all a good dog. I was out voted in the name arena and his name starts with "R" ugh. Rusty to be exact.
Items we've replaced:
2. The cord to the vacuum, a pair of sneakers, a toy truck, several pencils, crayons and markers and roll after roll of paper towel. See "Items we've added #1.
Items we've added:
2. A Wii. So fun. Ron is quite the rock star. Rebecca is our professional tennis player with a serve you cannot return. Just like real life Reagan can out bowl any one and as for me I can knock you out in boxing in about a minute. Don't pretend that is a surprise. I have pent up issues. Ron has less bruises. LOL kidding. sort of.
Lastly because of resolution #5...I had to scroll up too. I have some pictures to share with you. The girls were outside playing so Ryan was my model. Rusty made the cut too. Happy New Year everyone. I would love to hear some of your goals!
In an effort to support you doing what you have committed to doing, I am leaving a comment :) I love when you post, always brings a smile. I never make resolutions, or goals really...:) It is part of the realist in me, I just can't bring myself to say I will do something that I am not fully convinced of...and apparently I am running a little low on self confidence. Ok, here is one I can be confident in... I will laugh with Gina once a week...
This is a resolution I will do my best to help you keep!! You are the best!
You forgot to mention that a niece was added this year. I had to find that out by searching FB. I don't make resolutions, but I do try to set goals. One for this year is to stop raising my voice at my children. I also have to agree with Tiphanie, you put a smile on my face every time I read your blogs. You are a brave woman, I just couldn't put my thoughts down for everyone to read. FB is about as far as I reach in that department. The dog is adorable! I'll admit, I had to laugh cuz I know how much you love them. :) Congrats on the new car. Happy new year dear friend. Miss you tons!!
I think I may have commented twice because I don't know what I'm doing. Please feel free to delete one. Along with this one. Maybe your title should be, redefining normal one crazy friend at a time. More than willing to help in that department!! :)
I should make a goal to stop raising my voice but I am beginning to think that may be impossible. I find if everyone would just do what I ask I wouldn't have to raise my voice!! LOL Zero accountability here. Miss you too. I hope we can figure out a way to meet up again sometime. I haven't even met my niece yet. So sad. Hoping to make that right sometime soon!!
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