Monday, July 13, 2009

Good For You

Ryan woke up in a mood this morning. As I was sweeping the floor he comes down stairs with his list of demands. "I want to pick something!!" translated it means I would love it if my dear Mother would allow me to indulge in a sweet confection. My response, "No candy, Ryan we need to have breakfast." He insists, I say no way. Then he comes up with his favorite saying..." I PROMISE!!" Now that phrase is never in the right context and so we have zero idea what the heck he is talking about. Finally after the 5Th time (I can't believe I let this go on so long) he says, "I WANT CANDY!" and I say, very adult like, "Good for you." He looks to one side and then the other and comes up with a brilliant plan in his three year old mind..."OK, I want good for you!" I tried to explain that "good for you" wasn't something to eat but simply sarcasm clearly lost on this child. One minute later he was standing in the corner trying to get happy.

I have to thank my Father in Law for reminding me of the greatness of the corner. Up until 2 weeks ago we were, "GO sit on the chair" people. Then one day my FIL asked me if I ever put them in the corner with the only thing to look at is the wall. Brilliant. Nope. I had forgotten about the corner. Guess what? It is like a miracle. Takes Ryan about 2 minutes to realize this is not great and he comes away with a brand new attitude. I can get him to eat his dinner, gain pleasant perspective, and be kind to his sisters all by having a few minutes in the corner. Pop-Pop has given advantage to our side and I am thankful. I don't dare tell Ryan it was his Pop-Pops idea because Ryan thinks my FIL is the coolest!! So thanks to the generation before me that imparts such awesome wisdom!!

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