Monday, July 13, 2009

Forget The Candles

The last few times I have been at work I have gotten to stock the aisle with all of the room fresheners. I love this aisle because it smells so darn good. While I am in there I always think that I should come back later and get this or that for the house. Well as you can imagine I always forget. So today I decided that I was going to try something and it really worked well. I got a small pot and filled it half way with water. I added 3 Cinnamon sticks and a long squirt of vanilla extract. I got it to boil and then placed it on simmer. OH MY WORD, it smells so good!! Reagan came up and asked what I was baking, Rebecca wanted to know what was for dessert. I turned it off a while ago and the house still smells so nice. I may just forget about buying the smelling candles for now and stick with this!!

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