Thursday, January 13, 2011

My Personal Cheer Section

Most of you know I started school yesterday. To be truthful it's a bit overwhelming. Since it's been a looong time since I have darkened college doors, I had forgotten just how much homework 6 credit hours would have. The English isn't too bad. It's a lot of reading and I have come to terms with all the writing and the gigantic research paper. Math on the other hand, lets just say I understand why I got sent back to a remedial class. It is taking a long time to do each problem as I have to re learn how to do even the simplest algebra. However, today I have spent most of the day working on this math. It's taken hours to do 26 problems. The great part is about 12 problems ago Ryan pulled up a chair next to me to help. He has paper and a pencil to write and when I finish a problem he pushes the "enter" button to submit the answer. If it's wrong a big red box appears and says, "sorry...blah blah blah" to that Ryan says, "uh-oh" or "aww Mom, it's ok..." how sweet is that?! The best part is when I get one right he cheers with a fist pump and an "alright!" with the same excitement every time. Even though I am tired he is so darn excited for me to get them right I push on and do another. The girls have taken an  interest and ask me about my work. We have a deal that we will all try for straight A's this term as they are starting a new one soon. Ron has been super supportive and helpful being excited about all the stuff I am learning even though he could do this math in his sleep. I am so blessed to have such an awesome family to walk through this with!

It would not be right to talk about my cheer section if I didn't mention my awesome friends! You are all so wonderful and send me texts or calls at just the right time to make me smile and push on! I covet your prayers and even though I am not the first person to return to college you all have shown me the full meaning of support. You Rock!! Well Ryan is ready to push the enter button again so off to do a few more math problems before bed!


Tiphanie said...

Go Gina, you can do it.... (meanwhile Justin is launching me into the air)and.... drum roll.. i stuck it :) You know deep down I always wanted to be a cheer leader.. not... none the less, I am cheering and more importantly praying for you!! Love ya girl, keep on keeping on!

Gina said...

I so appreciate that! Week one is done with a little time to spare. Amazingly enough it's kind of cool. I can't tell you enough how much I value your friendship!