Thursday, January 20, 2011


Back in the fall I stepped out on a limb and way out of my comfort zone and offered a card making class at our community center. I was nervous and excited to do it. The first class saw a few people, the next a few more and then it tapered off. I have cancelled the last three classes because of a lack of response. I suppose I can look at this as a failure of what I wanted it to be, but I don't. I learned a lot about myself. I know now that I can take a risk and regardless of how it turns out...I will live through it and be fine. I also have finally got it through my head that I am not a teacher. I don't like it, I'm not very good at it and finally I can lay it to rest and stop forcing myself to do it. I am OK with not being great at everything! I still love to scrap but I think it's time (when I get that precious time) to start making things for my own family. I do so many projects for others that I haven't kept up on my own pictures that my children love to look at. So the classes are finished and to an outside person they were a complete failure, to me a great success and a stepping stone to move toward something that I will really like to do. Finally I can scrap and make cards just for it should be!

1 comment:

nonapearl said...

miss you friend. glad you were able to come that conclusion about not loving teaching! always good when we can get to know ourselves better. and good for you for stepping out on a limb! :) love ya!