Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Every year we make "resolutions." Some of us try to make it sound like it will stick better if we change the word so we set "goals" instead. However, being who I am, I have discovered a serious character flaw when it comes to goal setting. It would appear that I can be trucking along just fine and notice I am doing something consistently...score. So  I decide...OH, I should turn this into a goal of mine! As soon as the ink dries I struggle to continue to do whatever it is I have been doing just fine, until I wrote it down.

As I thought about this, one with a logical mind would say..."just don't write it down then." Those of you who know me also then know that is not an option. I must fix this flaw. I talked with a friend and we threw around some options like:
 1. Set simple attainable goals - this sounds so easy, but even this I make hard. For an example, I feel good when I exercise so therefore my goal must be to workout every single day. Talk about setting myself up for failure, but I can't seem to help it. So then I must ask myself, do I secretly LOVE failure?? Then that is a bit too insane for even me so I put a stop to the thought process before I dial the shrink and really set an appointment.

So in an attempt to save some money and avoid medication and a straight jacket, I am just going to set easier goals. Here they are:

1. Exercise once a month either on purpose or by accident

2. I will make a budget that only includes using one credit card when I run out of cash

3. I will only use bad words under my breath and when I am completely sure no one but God can hear me.

4. I will only stress about things to the point of a twitching eye, not a stiff neck.

5. I will stop buying the king size candy bars and being proud of myself for only eating half.

I don't want to over do so I will stop at five. So those are my goals with any luck I won't be able keep most of them!

In reality I have real goals but there is no way I am writing them down...at least not until I get a little better at this. Happy New Year everyone and I would love to hear some of your goals!!

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