Wednesday, June 3, 2009

TIred of Seeing Nothing New?

It's been ages since I have written and for that I apologize!! I started working at my own Target and have since been trying to find some sort of normal balance around here! My crazy shift is 4AM to 8AM a few mornings a week. I like it because it doesn't effect my day too much, but I hate it because I have to go to bed so early. It wasn't bad when it was nasty outside but now that summer is here I am finding it hard to go to bed. I imagine that is why my children always complain about going to bed so early!
We are in the home stretch for this school year. The girls will be done on Friday. I am so ready for summer vacation to be here. We are making plans for visits all over the place and just some fun in general.
I went to the doctor yesterday and it turns out that I have done the unusual and have gotten carpal tunnel in BOTH wrists!! LOL only me. The braces seem to be helping so hopefully that will be the cure. I have Zero desire to go to the next step which is some sort of shot right into my wrists by the nerves. Um, yeah. I don't see that happening!
Ron finally found something that he really likes to do and it's his new motorcycle!! It is very cool and once he gets all of his stuff on to ride, I have to say my man looks pretty darn hot!! Needless to say I am certainly enjoying this new hobby of his and i can't wait for him to get good enough so I can jump on the back.
Lastly, this is my birth week and you all know how much I love my birth day. Ron has certainly not disappointed. Last Friday started with me waking up at 3AM to an amazing red rose, an energy drink and a snack for work along with a lovely note. Imagine my surprise as I had forgotten birth week had begun. Saturday I was greeted with breakfast in bed. It was so yummy. Sunday Ron brought me home a nice, yet simple, watch that I can wear to work so I can see just how much longer i have to go! Monday I got to go get this super cute pair of Capri pants. I don't actually have them yet, but the idea is for me to pick them up. Tuesday I discovered that I have once again inspired poetry. This is too awesome not to share so here it is:

What makes on worthy? Is it the gifts one gives? or the ability to always say yes to any request? Perhaps one is worthy for their acts of random service or for their open ear by which they take in the spoken anxiety from the lips of others.

How does one show the worth of another? Is it through flowers, chocolates and fine jewels? Or through the heaped words of praise spoken in their absence? Perhaps it is through the written word or by being the open ear when the weight of others needs release.

Yet as much as it is tried and failed to reflect your worth in words and deeds, all that one may need is to speak these words: "You will forever inspire me to love you completely."

Isn't that so great?? I smile and ooze with mushy feelings every time I read it. I am truly blessed with an amazing husband who makes me feel more loved than I ever thought possible. I have more to share and some pictures too, but I want to get this posted so I will close for now and continue a little later.

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