Tuesday, February 10, 2009

That Was Easy

So I took the plunge and decided to try to take a bible study course at my church again. I think I mentioned recently that last semester didn't work due to someone small not cooperating! Anyway, we went this morning and when I took him and pat (his hammer)to the room I said, "OK, Ry, Mommy is going to go." He looks at me from across the room and says, "You coming back for me?" I said, "yes" he says, "You come get me right?" I replied, "Yes, when mommy is finished I will come back for you, I will always come back!" With that he smiled and said, "OK then, bye!" and ran off to play with the kitchen. I had a great time and so did he. On the ride home he was telling what he played with and then kept asking for what I thought was a hamburger. For most people that is a no brainer and a trip to McDonald's, but Ryan doesn't eat hamburgers so I wasn't sure. Finally upon turning onto our street I figure it out...Yep...HAMMER! He forgot Pat at church. Now it's in the preschool wing so if I go in there on Sunday they are going to think I am stealing toys, he wasn't even in his regular room. I can't turn back because Rebecca was going to get off the bus in 15 minutes. I couldn't go after because everyone would be gone. Then it dawns on me to call my dear friend and my "bail-outer person" Tiphanie!! Thankfully she was still at the church and took the weird looks from the room ladies and got his hammer! Mrs. Stewart is Ryan's new hero. Next week...no toys go in the room with him!! Kudos to my brave boy, He finally did it!!

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