Sunday, July 27, 2008
The Bible says, " Everything give Thanks..." I always thought that we were only supposed to do that because God wanted us to be grateful to Him for all He does for us and gives to us. Rightfully so and I am so grateful. However, just the other day, I was thinking about how thankfulness from others can either lift me up, or their unthankfulness can drag me down. Every now and then I am surprised at how amazing God is. Here I thought my thankfulness was only for His benefit, when in reality it makes me feel so much better about any situation and it also affects those around me in a positive way. All of this insight, didn't just dawn on me, a situation brought this thought process about. My sweet nephew can eat as much as a small man. Every meal he is just so excited and gobbles up whatever my sister makes him. I smile every time I think about his chubby little hands signing "more" after each bite with that big smile on his face. His attitude of thankfulness constantly bring smiles to those around him. At the opposite end of the line is my daughter Rebecca who will tell me she doesn't like what I am making for dinner before I even get anything out!!! Now I can admit that some nights I make "adult", steamed veggies, rice...don't know of too many kids beside my nephew that would love that. But it seems no matter what I do for dinner there is complaints. Now as I see it, I can continue to complain and feel unappreciated or I can take this opportunity to give thanks myself for the chance to teach my children the life lesson of Thankfulness. One can always find something...I'm thankful you try so hard to make us a nice dinner...even though I don't care for it. Thank you for the opportunity to try new food...even though I think I'll make myself a peanut butter and jelly. Already I can see how that small amount of gratefulness would make me feel better. So off I go to be thankful myself and try to teach it to my children. I am sure a good dose of patience will be what's for dinner as I try to do this. For that I will say, "thank you God for the opportunity to be patient...even though I don't really care for it!"
Friday, July 25, 2008
Girl Time
My girls love to stamp and scrapbook. Since I am a Close to My Heart Consultant I have lots of stuff to play with. It just gives me another reason to tell Ron I "need" more! LOL Anyway, what fun we had tonight stamping cards. Reagan made Thank you notes for her friends, Rebecca made a very special card for someone (it's their birthday so I can't say who) and I got to play around with the July Stamp of the Month.
The cool thing about SOTM is that the more you spend the cheaper it gets. I got this one for half off. I had no idea how much fun I was going to have with it!! Anyway, Rebecca got to pick the colors we were going to use tonight and they are Clover Meadow (in guy speak that is green) Blush (pink)Chocolate (brown) and I threw in some black. I was simply amazed at how much they enjoyed this tonight and for about an hour there was no fighting or anything!! The nice thing is Ron is closing tonight so it gives us something to do in his absence. I may regret my little adventure in creative land though, because like it always does, time just flew and before I knew it, it was 10PM. Hopefully the kiddos will sleep in...HA...right!!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Nail polish $3.00, Nail Polish Remover $1.50, a Manicure from Rebecca...Priceless
It's a shame you can't see all of the glitter on these very colorful nails!! I must say I realize that my fingers are not the most slender in the world...I mean I haven't had any calls to be a hand model or anything, but wow...this is the most unflattering hand picture of all time!!! I know my fingers are more than 2 inches long!!!
Eight Years Old!
Is it possible that Reagan is 8? I was always told that kids grow up fast, but wow, I never imagined it would go this quick!! There are moments in each day where I try to remember extra hard, but I am pretty sure time will erase a certain look or a laugh or a comment that Reagan makes. She is so thoughtful and silly and just plain fun. When Reagan picks out a gift for someone she always knows exactly what they will love. It's a gift that she has or I guess she just pays attention although that's a little bit of a stretch for me to imagine! LOL Like all kids Reagan has issues that she is learning and growing through, but sometimes she does something or says something that gives me a glimpse of what an amazing girl she is. She writes the best little stories and her illistrations are so amazing. I am so glad God picked me to be her mom. I swear I learn more from her than she does from me. She has patience like I have never seen. She can talk Rebecca right out of a hystercial fit and encourage just about anyone to do something they think they can't. I sure hope I don't mess this mom thing up, because I have been blessed with a wonderful daughter in Reagan. For her birthday I wanted to make her a cake that would be special for her. Horses and lots of colors are her favorite thing so here is what I came up with.
I had to keep adding words around the sides because I didn't space it right. At the end it said...Happy Birthday To You Reagan 8! LOL Almost had to write the whole darn song! A big thanks to Nana who helped me pick the right colors and gave me priceless ideas...some we had to scrap because she appearanlty thinks I have abilities that I don't possess!! LOL. We also did an art party with Reagan's friends. You have to love 8 year old girls. To quote Ron, "this is the calmest birthday party I have EVER seen!" It was really fun. The girls painted chests, did sand art bottles, made a bracelet, and colored wood dolls. To top it all off they got to build their own Sundae with all kinds of candy and all the cherries they wanted!! It was a super fun day and I am so glad I got to bless Reagan! Happy Birthday, I couldn't love you more!!!
This picture totally catches Reagan's personality. She is going to be the life of the party some day!!!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
My Hidden Talent
There is a talent in my household that I alone possess! I first discovered it when I walked into the girls' bathroom. It was confirmed when I walked into my own. Now I have tried to pass along my great skills, but no one has seemed to pick it up.
Therefore I must realize that my ability to change the toilet paper roll is a special gifting that I alone possess. Some are teachers, others encourage, some are even leaders, but I and I alone am the changer of the toilet paper roll!! As you can see in OUR bathroom, the other adult in this house is working on his skills as the roll is higher but I am not sure closer to the holder than that of our children...hmmm...interesting.
At any rate, I thought it worth while to share this great gift with the is what your toilet paper should look like after you put the new one on!!!
Yes that is a joke...I do NOT fold my paper, but at least I get it on the holder!!!
Therefore I must realize that my ability to change the toilet paper roll is a special gifting that I alone possess. Some are teachers, others encourage, some are even leaders, but I and I alone am the changer of the toilet paper roll!! As you can see in OUR bathroom, the other adult in this house is working on his skills as the roll is higher but I am not sure closer to the holder than that of our children...hmmm...interesting.
At any rate, I thought it worth while to share this great gift with the is what your toilet paper should look like after you put the new one on!!!
Yes that is a joke...I do NOT fold my paper, but at least I get it on the holder!!!
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