Friday, May 14, 2010

Cake Walk

I volunteered to donate two cakes to our school's cake walk for Family Fun night. I figured the best way to entice children to walk for cakes was to cover them with candy. So while the cakes baked Ryan and I spent 20 minutes separating mini M&M's into different colored bowls. It was actually fun spending that time with him. He is very good at sorting. The end result was a mosaic looking picture that was super fun to make. Hopefully it will be the cake of the night. I, however, will not know because we are not going. I am sorry to say that the thunderstorms are rolling in already. Hopefully they have a plan B for all of the outside games. Here are my masterpieces:

After working so hard on these, Ryan has it in his mind that we must make another for when his grandparents come on Sunday. The white one has chocolate cake and the Chocolate one has...yep....white cake. Pretty sneaky, huh?!

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