Monday, October 20, 2008

Soooo Old?

I was spending some time with Rebecca the other night at bed time and we were discussing things we wanted to decorate her room with. She requested a bulletin board and when I asked why she replied, "So I can hang all the beautiful things that remind me of you after you die." Not realizing that I was on deaths door I asked her why she thought I was going to die and she said, "I just figured that since you are so old that you were going to die soon." Nice. I guess I need to start using that microderm abrasion a little more often!!! Needless to say, I informed her that I didn't have one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel and that I should at least pull through until she's out of school. Yikes..I guess I remember when thirty...something...seemed insanely old. Now it's me... old, old lady.


Chrissy said...

Too funny. Don't let her know that I'm older than you! She'll wonder if I'll make it through Trick or Treating ;-)

nonapearl said...

This is hillarious! You old person you!

=) Nona

nonapearl said...

this one had me laughing so hard dave thought i was going nuts.

=) thanks - I needed a good laugh.