Sunday, June 10, 2012


Remember the snake from the other day? Well I must say I am pleased to know where he currently resides. You see my friend Chrissy was over and the kids were playing in the pool, again, and I saw my friend the blue jay up  by the tree in the back yard. He was doing this weird dancing around thing and then I saw it...this rope like thing strike up into the air toward Blue. Well, that snake messed with the wrong bird! It took about ten minutes but eventually the bird proclaimed victory over the snake near the shed. Slither got pecked to death by Blue and that is kind of sad. The happy part is that I officially know where the snake is as Blue dragged him behind the shed and probably had a feast on the biggest "worm" he has EVER seen!! I was waiting for the crow bullies to show up and steal it, but alas they did not. I can safely walk in the grass again without wondering where I might encounter Slither! Whew. I do, however, feel bad about HOW he died, but if I do what my pastor says and tell 100% truth...I'm so glad he's gone!!

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