Sunday, January 29, 2012

You Will Be Saved

I was considering a passage of scripture the other day. I must confess I am too lazy at this moment to go find it and give the reference, but it is popular enough that you will know it's in there if you read the Bible at all. The verse says something to the effect that those who call on the name of Jesus will be saved. For countless years I have kept that phrase in one tiny,little, box of meaning. That it only meant to be saved from hell. However, the other day I believe that God really opened my mind to what He really meant.

It was one of those mornings and at 8:15AM I was already stressed out. Taking the advice of a good friend, I closed my eyes and inhaled and exhaled the name of Jesus. The first syllable on the way in and the last on the exhale out. After about 3 breaths I could feel fresh grace pour over me and I went about my day brand new.

What I had done was call on the name of Jesus and I was...saved. Saved from frustration, saved from a pity party, saved from anger and saved from doing something I would have to ask for forgiveness from later. How small minded of me to think that calling on Jesus would only save me from the number one issue of hell. I can imagine Jesus standing there waiting and waiting, hoping that we will take Him at His word and call on Him so he can save us from all the things that this world throws at us.

I encourage you that the next time you are anything but full of joy and peace, call on the name of Jesus and allow Him to do what He save you from whatever you face. He is good, He is faithful and He is quick!! This is one promise I will not let go to waste!!

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