Monday, August 30, 2010


Fishing is a sport that will separate the girls from the real women. I am a girl and totally OK with that. My daughter is more of woman than me. Here is  exhibit A: These next pictures are Reagan putting a worm on a hook. As if that is NOT impressive enough...she pulled the worm apart is my hero baiting a hook:

I have to say I was quite proud of her and of all of the girls that baited their own hooks. It was of course not because they watched their grossed out fearless leader. Thankfully there were some men there to take over the training. I did watch and cheer them on and take pictures of their awesomeness. I just don't feel the need to prove myself any more so...
However the because it was dusk I did get to get some cool pictures of the sun setting:

I am sorry to say that no fish were caught...oh wait I take that back...It was this big {...........}
Told Ya...for once I was not embellishing! What I learned about myself is that I just refuse to do some things and touching groody slimy worms and just as slimy fish is one of those things. I am OK with that. I am also OK that it was my daughter NOT my son who was OK with touching the untouchable worm. I am sure as soon as he finds out they will scream and run if he has one in his hand, he will be digging them up non stop!

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