The food was amazing and if you can ever go there to eat you totally should!!! All of Kate's friends and family came to celebrate with her and they are just the greatest group of people. After we ate Kate got to open her presents and received some of the most adorable clothes ever. I made Kate a baby calendar for the Baby's room. I know things get busy with two little ones so I was hoping it would help her keep track of those miles stones until she can put them in a baby book. It has room for pictures of the baby each month. I put a slide show in for those of you who asked me to see it. After the shower we went back to Kate's and because her boss at the restaurant completely blessed us by not charging us for the shower( I am still in shock over that) I bought dinner out for everyone. After we ate Christa(our cousin)Kate, Mike and I decorated Luke's big boy room. It turned out so cute. I have never seen such a little kid so in to John Deere tractors. It was so much fun!! Sunday came too quickly and it was time for us to come home again. When I arrived, Ron and the kids had the house all cleaned up beautifully and he had cleaned the carpets. It was so lovely to come home too. I sure am excited to see my new niece!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Kate's Baby Shower
Reagan and I took a girls trip up to Michigan for my sister's baby shower. We had a great time with Grammy the first day. When we arrived my mom had dinner waiting. We visited with her and my dad, Jon and Rachael. The next morning Grammy had made appointments for manicures and pedicures. After that we went to lunch and then to the mall. Reagan and I got our ears pierced and then bought new shoes. That evening we were out to Kate and Mike's house. We had dinner and had a chance to catch up and be entertained by Luke. He is such a cutie!! The next day was the shower. The restaurant(Fandangles on Pierson Rd in Flint,MI) was decorated beautifully. 
The food was amazing and if you can ever go there to eat you totally should!!! All of Kate's friends and family came to celebrate with her and they are just the greatest group of people. After we ate Kate got to open her presents and received some of the most adorable clothes ever. I made Kate a baby calendar for the Baby's room. I know things get busy with two little ones so I was hoping it would help her keep track of those miles stones until she can put them in a baby book. It has room for pictures of the baby each month. I put a slide show in for those of you who asked me to see it. After the shower we went back to Kate's and because her boss at the restaurant completely blessed us by not charging us for the shower( I am still in shock over that) I bought dinner out for everyone. After we ate Christa(our cousin)Kate, Mike and I decorated Luke's big boy room. It turned out so cute. I have never seen such a little kid so in to John Deere tractors. It was so much fun!! Sunday came too quickly and it was time for us to come home again. When I arrived, Ron and the kids had the house all cleaned up beautifully and he had cleaned the carpets. It was so lovely to come home too. I sure am excited to see my new niece!
The food was amazing and if you can ever go there to eat you totally should!!! All of Kate's friends and family came to celebrate with her and they are just the greatest group of people. After we ate Kate got to open her presents and received some of the most adorable clothes ever. I made Kate a baby calendar for the Baby's room. I know things get busy with two little ones so I was hoping it would help her keep track of those miles stones until she can put them in a baby book. It has room for pictures of the baby each month. I put a slide show in for those of you who asked me to see it. After the shower we went back to Kate's and because her boss at the restaurant completely blessed us by not charging us for the shower( I am still in shock over that) I bought dinner out for everyone. After we ate Christa(our cousin)Kate, Mike and I decorated Luke's big boy room. It turned out so cute. I have never seen such a little kid so in to John Deere tractors. It was so much fun!! Sunday came too quickly and it was time for us to come home again. When I arrived, Ron and the kids had the house all cleaned up beautifully and he had cleaned the carpets. It was so lovely to come home too. I sure am excited to see my new niece!
This year was a great Halloween, or "Ask strangers for candy on an obscure Night" night. We always trick or treat on the Thursday before Halloween. I have no idea why. I guess its a PA thing. Anyway as much as I tried to get costumes done early it just didn't work out, so a few days before I was running around trying to make costumes. Thankfully it all worked out. As is tradition now my friend Chrissy and her two children came over after school. The kids played while we made dinner and then we proceeded to get them all ready to trick or treat. Just about the time that is all finished the guys show up and we meet the neighbors on the street and the kids begin their night. The weather was perfect in fact I could have gone longer but the kids pooped out! Anyway I know you all just want to see the pictures so I will get to it. I didn't ask my friend if her kids pictures could be posted so I blocked them out.
Reagan was a girl football player for the Eagles of course, Rebecca was a ninja, Ryan was Mushu from the movie Mulan. The other children dressed as a shadow, snow fairy and shrek.
It was a really fun night. Everyone did really well and they got lots of candy!!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
This amazingly gross creature was one of our family pets. This is Rocket the hermit crab. He came out of his shell one day and I thought it was to move into a bigger shell. I have never seen a hermit crab outside the shell and after 4 years figured out how to use the macro part of my big lens. It was so simple I feel like an idiot and I alone know how I made it work. I intend to keep that way!! I digress. ANYWAY, after Rocket sat outside his shell the whole day and didn't move I realized that he had come out to die. I took comfort in the fact that I could tell my two drama filled daughters that he didn't die alone, but there was no way on this Earth I was scooping him out. It was a perfect job for Ron. Rocket tipped over, I told the girls he died and there was much weeping. While Reagan cried she wrote this:
*Hermit Crab
*I got him on July 20th, 2008
*He died on October 9th, 2009
I hope to see rocket in heaven along with a bunch of my other pets. Rocket was a great hermit crab and I am sad that he is gone. He was a boy who loved to play with speedy.(Rebecca's hermit crab)I am glad Miss Janna gave him to me. I will see him in heaven and he will be as healthy as can be. I am so glad God put Rocket and Speedy into my hands. I can't wait to see you in Heaven, Rocket...Love Reagan
Isn't that sweet? So to help the girls focus on something else my friend Chrissy invited us over for dinner so the kids could play and we could get out of the house of death and despair. We were gone for 2 1/2 hours. Upon our arrival we went to pay last respects before bed and THE CRAB WAS UPRIGHT AGAIN!!!! I immediately started having flash backs to my childhood when my bachelor Uncle let my sister and watch Pet Cemetery as very young children. We also got to eat about a trough full of ice cream...Reagan was somewhat frustrated that she had wasted all of that emotion and those kind words on a pet that was not dead. Not the reaction i expected. I suppose if I ever die and happen to be raised from the dead I won't take it too hard when they are annoyed!!
So the girls go to bed with a happy heart, I go to bed and close my door fully expecting to hear a crab claw scraping at my door. I wish I was joking. Anyway, we get up the next morning and the crab is dead again...for sure this time as he is starting to smell. I don't know if Speedy propped him up the night before or what happened but he is definitely dead now. Well he was dead or murdered because the slight smell was enough for me to put him in a plastic bag for burial. Either way, we morn the loss of Rocket who was indeed the very best hermit crab a kid could have.
Oh and I had great fun telling Reagan to take him down to show my dad on one of his visits. I told her Papa John would LOVE to see Rocket. I sat at the stairs like a child and laughed to tears as I heard my Dad say...OK REAGAN, SERIOUSLY TAKE THAT UPSTAIRS I DON'T NEED TO BE BY YOUR CRAB!!!! ROFLOL it still makes me laugh. Yeah...Rocket he was a
Monday, November 2, 2009
I know it has been almost a month simply because I am looking at the date, but it really feels like just a few days since the last time I posted. Here are a few items you can look forward too:
1. Our trip to Michigan
2. Kate's baby shower and the gift I made. (I know some of you have been wanting to see pictures)
3. Swine Flu and the joy of caring for someone who likes to be cared for
4. Trick or Treat night...yes it's still on the Thursday before Halloween
so needless to say I will be playing catch up over the next few days!! I have it on my list to pull my camera back out so that should help me too. Hope you all are well and this bad blogger will redeem herself soon!!
Here are two pictures of Ryan waiting for Reagan to show us her moves in swim class:
This is Ry about to show me how strong he is.
Here is my cool breeze watching the kids swim!
1. Our trip to Michigan
2. Kate's baby shower and the gift I made. (I know some of you have been wanting to see pictures)
3. Swine Flu and the joy of caring for someone who likes to be cared for
4. Trick or Treat night...yes it's still on the Thursday before Halloween
so needless to say I will be playing catch up over the next few days!! I have it on my list to pull my camera back out so that should help me too. Hope you all are well and this bad blogger will redeem herself soon!!
Here are two pictures of Ryan waiting for Reagan to show us her moves in swim class:
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