Tuesday, March 3, 2009

No Way!!

So the other day my girls had to clean their room. They made the mess, I simply asked them to clean it. Let the complaining and arguing commense. So in keeping with our family memorizing of Bible verses I put a new one on the board..."In everything you do, stay away from complaining and arguing" Rebecca comes up and I am helping her read it and so she is repeating each word and when I get to complaining and she starts to slow down. Once we say "and arguing" she looks at me and like only a five year can and says, "NUH-UH, You made that up!!" LOL I promptly told her that I did NOT in fact make it up and that it was in God's book and I showed her. She then says, "I totally thought you made that up but since you didn't I guess I had better learn that one." I wish this verse was only for my children, but it is indeed good for me to learn as well. So hopefully next time it's time to clean the old bedroom this truth will be hidden in their hearts and I'll get a little peace. Are you supposed to use Scripture for selfish purposes?? I am sure there is one in there about that too, God is good like that!!

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