Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Adjusting the Sails

I was thinking the other day about the different stages of life that we go through as we grow and change. Some of us go with the flow, excited for each new change, others dig in their oars and try to prevent anything new from encroaching on their comfort zone. I have discovered that if we don't adjust our sails in life, one day we will look up and realize that we don't know who we are or what we are doing. One way that strikes me most is motherhood. Sometimes it's so easy to get lost in being Mom and Wife and Caretaker, that we completely lose sight of who we are. What do I like? What would I do if I had free time? What does it feel like to be rested? LOL Seriously, though, if we don't learn to adjust to new phases in life we will most certainly become lost. I am already thinking of next fall when my last little one will begin preschool. Part of me is super excited and the other part is sad to see this phase of life end. Most of the time, I love getting to be home and enjoy each child as they learn and grow. I know for a time I'll be sad to see that go and then I will pull out of the parking lot completely "free." It will be time to adjust the sails. If my entire self is wrapped up in my children, husband and family, it may sound noble, but sooner or later I will cease to be the person they love for I will have become lost. I must take the time to nurture myself and the things that I love. My daughter was surprised the other day when I told her that I do in fact like to have fun. That right there is proof that I am guilty of getting lost in the everyday. My children benefit from seeing me do the things I love and when they question my actions I get to enrich their lives with my own experiences. What a gift that is to me and to them. Next time you take time for yourself, don't feel guilty, know that it is necessary to take care of you so you can continue to give so unselfishly to others. It's your quiet offering to your family and your friends and it's amazing. So when a new wind blows, don't fight it. Adjust your sails so you can reach the full potential of the new phase of life as you enter it and most assuredly pass through to the next!

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